Ok , so maybe not quite as advanced as some.
But this is what I did yesterday ( and perhaps you’ll see why I’m so chuffed with myself)
After battling for weeks to get some minor settings on my new WordPress website for Network Buddy to update, I pulled the band-aid off this weekend , and started from scratch .
And this is what I did yesterday ( Sunday)
– Started a new Linux instance on AWS. – it’s a micro instance, which I will scale up as a need to once we go live.
– Setup ssh to get to the instance and then used the Terminal ( command line ) interface on the Mac to install pip , and then php, followed by MySQL on the instance .
Then I installed and configured and started up an Apache web server.
I had break for some tea and lunch at this point.
After lunch, I installed the AWS CLI , and proceeded to download and install the latest version of WordPress, which again, I configured through Terminal / CLI.
For my final act, I logged in through the browser GUI on my brand new WordPress website , and installed the theme, made the changes I was battling with on the first instance , and voila! Everything worked perfectly.

And with that I moved some of the content over from the old website, and proceeded to workout some of the kinks until it was time for dinner .
So Network Buddy is probably a couple days over where I would like to be … But it’s working so much better than it was yesterday morning .
And the one lesson I have learned is that if you want your own website with your own stuff on it, probably best not to use the AWS default marketplace install of WordPress , which as it turns out was the issue all along. Seems the people ath bitnami set up some security that blocked the theme I had purchased from working properly, and it was so badly setup I pretty much couldn’t even use ftp or ssh to override anything or adjust the rights on the instance or the WordPress database.
And I’m chuffed with myself, because with only a couple of pointers from my tech hubby , and some help though a couple of tricky commands , I pretty much did the entire thing by myself.
Go me !