I realised a couple of days ago that I have reached LinkedIn Comment Fatigue.
I will go to comment or like a post, or an image, or a share by someone in my network, and , wait for it … I hold back for a moment rethinking if I should indeed participate or not.
Not because I don’t want to comment – and not because I’m rethinking the engagement of others in a thoughtful debate. I hesitate sometimes, on particularly popular or viral posts and shares.
For the sole reason, that I know, for the remainder of my time on earth, I will be pinged to death by notifications as the whole rest of the world negotiates and comments and likes and shares their own thoughts on the post. At some point it all gets a bit annoying.
Whats the Answer then ?
Today when I discovered that LinkedIn has the exact same Unsubscribe Option as Facebook Posts ( ie , you can no longer receive notifications when someone so much as breathes in the direction of the post ) – Oh Glorious Days was I happy!
And it’s as simple as clicking on the little x . X Marks the Spot indeed.
If anyone needs me, I will be unsubscribing from the posts that I commented on last month that are still kicking ….