So while we wait for the hung parliament to be announced, here’s a random HOW TO for Facebook.
Seriously , I cannot believe we voted for lying union thugs in equal measure to lying smarmy snake-oil salesmen . Bleugh! Almost as bad as spammy fake profiles on Facebook.
We all see them , the spammers with fake profiles , commenting into popular discussions and feeds, inserting backlinks to pages that (at best) sell fake followers, or worse, well, let’s just say I’ve seen some doozys popping up in my feed lately .
So, generally what happens is people start commenting to the admin of the group to do something about the fake profile or person … And that’s ok, but if you are not directly naming the admin , then time is wasted because trust me. In a group of 10k , it’s going to take them a while to find the random comment addressed to the The Admin.
Here’s how you can a mange your own feed, and help keep your feed, and Facebook in general as clear as possible of spammers
These instructions are for the Facebook iPad app – but similar steps apply across most devices and the browser interface. And yes – I do use this very very often for blocking trolls and fake profiles as well as spam.
First up – here’s the offending comment – I checked out ‘Shane’ – totally suss when you profile photo is a stock shot … #justsaying.

Tap the comment and you’ll get a short menu — with some options

Pick the Report option , now it gets interesting, because Facebook wants to know why you’re blocking this person , so I picked spam, because frankly that’s what it is.
You’ll then be presented with some actions you can take further — now this is where people get all angry with Facebook , and I just don’t understand why …just pick the block option. Simple.
You will be asked to confirm the block, by tapping the button that pops up.

And then the spammer is blocked – you won’t see them, or any of their comments or posts, and they won’t be able to contact you or see you.
Why does this matter in Groups with Admins , surely the admin can kick them out ?
Yes, they can, in groups larger than 1 few thousand members though, it’s a far stronger, and more swift result if members of the group block en masse , as it lets Facebook know that this is a profile they need to take a look at. As in a real person who is moderating the whole of Facebook goes to assess if ‘Shane’ is real, and if the profile should be cancelled entirely.
Happy Sunday ….
You can also read my previous posts about Facebook features