Something cool on the Netflix iPad app search
Whoo baby I love me some Netflix … Just wish that FOXTEL didn’t have such a stranglehold on content here down under Anyhow – I just discovered something very cool in the iPad app. Quite by accident really , and I thought you might find it useful too , no matter which restricted region of […]
Facebook spam – the reporting and blocking tools
So while we wait for the hung parliament to be announced, here’s a random HOW TO for Facebook. Seriously , I cannot believe we voted for lying union thugs in equal measure to lying smarmy snake-oil salesmen . Bleugh! Almost as bad as spammy fake profiles on Facebook. We all see them , the spammers […]
Facebook Hack : turning off notifications
If you’re anything like me , your Facebook feed is cluttered , and you comment on posts left right and centre. Which is fine , and dandy , except when you’re just over something that happened like 5 days ago, and you still keep getting notified every time a new person comments , or like […]
Sixto Rodriguez : life, winning and what success really is.
My first (failed) business.
I remember very clearly the first business I ever started. It lasted about 6 hours I think, possibly a bit shorter than that. I couldn’t have been more than 9 or 10, definitely younger than 12 because it was in our first house , the one I was born in, until we moved when I […]
New reaction snuck into Facebook overnight
Check it out … Facebook snuck in a new reaction overnight Love this addition – especially since it blasts little purple flowers all up the screen on my iPad when picked … Let’s hope it’s not a temporary thing just for Mothers Day …because I think it’s fantastic. And of course it doesn’t hurt that […]
Starting at level one, for the second time.
My iPad gave up the ghost a couple of weeks back. Kicked the bucket. It was an iPad 2. Many years old. It had served me well. And like most of my technology, gadgets, toys and work tools , I had maintained it and looked after it well. But all things come to an end, […]
Facebook’s Save feature : on the iPad app.
Yes, we all know in a perfect world, when you’re checking Facebook, you would be able to savour every movement, and reply with great thought and care. You’d have the time to go to each interesting article or link and take your time reading and digesting. That doesn’t happen though, particularly if you are super […]
Uber me baby, Uber me
Uber Nemesis of taxi Drivers everywhere. The Ultimate Disruptor in transport. *except for Self driving electric vehicles of course. 😉 We recently began using Uber in earnest. Mostly for business related trips, up to the airport, the train station or to see a client where I don’t have my car for the day. For those […]
Word of the Day : Sweat Equity
Ok, so it’s 2 words. But Words of the Day doesn’t really sound as formal, educational and proper. Sweat Equity. Anyone in their own business, or in a small business, partnership or otherwise will be totally familair with this concept. It generally refers to the increase in value (or equity) in your business as a […]